“From Hobbes onwards, sceptics of kindness have pointed to the evidence from human history to show that people are rivalrous, greedy and violent. It would be a fool who denied this, but perhaps not so great a fool as the pessimist who pretends that selfishness is the whole story, who denies what every person, in some part of himself, knows: that feelings of connection and reciprocity are among the greatest pleasures that human beings can possess.”
– Adam Phillips and Barbara Taylor, On Kindness

Digital painting created from stock photo reference
Font: Dapifer
A self-initiated project I created as practice and to build a portfolio that could help me shift my career toward publishing. If you know of an opportunity to work with books, that you think I'd be suitable for, please do let me know about it.

Thank you!
On Kindness

On Kindness

Book cover design for 'On Kindness' by Adam Phillips and Barbara Taylor
