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7 tips for writing quality college application essay

7 tips for writing high quality college application essay

College application is one of the most exciting and important parts of a young person’s life. Elementary and high school experiences have culminated with the process of choosing and applying for a university of your choosing.

While it can help to know exactly which school you want to enroll in, it’s equally important to write a good application essay. These essays are often driven by personal information and can be sent to multiple schools (if you choose to do so).

However, there are still rules, regulations and formatting requirements to follow – which is why a lot of college candidates refer to writing services such as WoWgrade for help. With that out of the way, let’s take a look at the seven most valuable tips for writing a high quality college application essay which will assuredly let you in with flying colors.

1. Read through the requirements

As we’ve mentioned before, college application essays are mostly the same when it comes to requirements. Familiarize yourself with any and all required information which you will have to add in your essay. This information often revolves around your past academic experiences, accomplishments and personal skills and aspirations.
Structuring and an adequate choice of fonts also play a huge role in application essays. While you will be able to shop your essay around different colleges, you will have to change small details per each university’s requirements. Don’t let a single detail slip your notice before you start writing and gather your thoughts accordingly.

2. Structure your essay

The mistake most high school graduates make is that they write their application essays “ad hoc”. That is to say, they write at the pace that their brain lets them – and not a fraction slower. This can cause issues with later editing and formatting of your paper since you will end up with what is often refer to as “brain dump”.
Unorganized writing, while it does come from the heart, is inadequate in college application writing. You can however submit your writing at a service such as and ask a professional writer to organize it for you. Make sure to structure your essay into at least three parts, with complementary introductions and conclusions to boot. The more organized your writing looks, the better your odds will be at being accepted as a full-time student.

3. A rich vocabulary – to an extent

Becoming a part of the academia is a huge deal for young people. After all, college differs from high school in a great many ways. One of those differences is the fact that most of college work revolves around writing papers, doing research and getting feedback. To that extent, you can show your expertise and handling of English vocabulary by including complex wording in your essay.
Don’t go overboard with complex words, industry lingo or improper “internet” sayings. The name of the game in academic writing is to be respectful and professional above all else. Don’t be afraid to say a few high-class words here and there but try to remain grounded in doing so. You don’t want to set wrong expectations about your writing and handling of the language with the university’s staff.

4. Honesty over fluff

College applications do require some self-reflection. The academic community is very critical of who they accept into their universities no matter what you may have heard about “college life”. To that end, it’s crucial that you present yourself as a willing, able and energetic young person to the school of your choosing.
Don’t paint the wrong picture of who you are in the essay. Avoid any overly ambitious talk about how you are applying for that particular college because it’s your “destiny” or anything along those lines. Show some professionalism and critical thinking in your writing. Avoid unnecessary drama in your writing and focus on the facts of who you are and why you are there to study.

5. Express your future plans

Any plans you present to your future professors will carry a lot of weight in their decision-making process. Students who present at least a margin of planning for the future are often considered ready to become academic citizens. Try to think of a good reason for your application to that college and that particular course. Why do you want to become a graphic designer, a nurse or a writer? What is the driving force behind your choice of occupation?
It’s important to answer this question to yourself since you will spend the next several years working on that degree. The worst thing you can do for your future is to realize that you have chosen the wrong field of interest years down the line. Avoid that by solidifying some form of future plans in your essay and present them with an objective mindset.

6. Spellchecking and formatting

One of the most essential parts of college application essay writing is your ability to submit it without any errors. This is one of the make-or-break moments when it comes to being accepted into an academic institution.
Professors are rarely lenient towards potential students who submit papers with improper formatting, spelling errors and similar technical mistakes. You can check out a website - ProEssayService once your essay is finished. A professional writer will be able to fix any and all dangling threads surrounding your grammar and proofreading. It’s a good idea to read your own application essay out loud as well and see if it makes sense. Make sure to eliminate every mistake from the paper before you think about submitting it.

7.Feedback before submission

Lastly, enter a routine of asking for feedback before submitting your college application essay. Ask your parents, a high school professor or a friend to read your application essay. Don’t take their opinions personally and view them as critical thinking. Any and all opinions you get on your essay can help you improve it down the line.
Professors are not overly critical of application essays when it comes to their overall direction and quality. What they do expect however is some level of common respect and decency on your part. Avoid amateur mistake such as omitting your name or sending an improper mug shot of yours truly as an official application photo.

In conclusion

The expectations you set out for your academic experience will only grow with time. Academic studies are some of the most memorable years you will spend working on your personal development. Start the journey on the right note and write an application essay which you will remember fondly once you are a full-fledged college student.
7 tips for writing quality college application essay

7 tips for writing quality college application essay

College application is one of the most exciting and important parts of a young person’s life. Elementary and high school experiences have culmina Read More
