Ken Nentwig's profile

Talbot Trail Place, Blenheim, Ontario, Canada (partial)

In the beginning......

The Blenheim, Ontario community group that approached me to help them organize and plan a local park has come a long, long way.  Nameless at first, the Talbot Trail Place is now a major work in progress.  There are several facets here of note, including:
- community involvement, leadership, initiative and partnerships
- student involvement in planning and layout of original concepts
- professional involvement in planning and design
- an attitude of 'do it' and positive action within the community

The following images and links portray a journey I have been part of until moving to BC, and I am proud to say 'I was there at the beginning".  Congratulations to all involved, and my compliments to the Seferian Design Group for their 3D depiction and walk-throughs. 

Earliest concepts for the park layout were part of an outreach program into the surrounding communities from Ridgetown Campus, University of Guelph, and partly class-involvement in design and planning of spaces.

The two images above are from student work, depicting specific areas of the park as ideas for the organizers and committee.

The following three images show watercolour renditions of later design iterations. The first one is an aerial view of the fountain area, the second a closeup at eye level of the same area looking the other way, and the third is a rendition of a commemorative fountain.
Work has progressed since these initial stages, and can be seen in several virtual walk-through's on the Blenheim BIA News site

The third walk-through available is of the 3D computer model prepared by SDG, mentioned above.
Talbot Trail Place, Blenheim, Ontario, Canada (partial)

Talbot Trail Place, Blenheim, Ontario, Canada (partial)

Development of the community park in Blenheim, Ontario, now known as Talbot Trail Place
