The Pros And Cons Of Being Freelance

Nowadays, the term "Freelance" is widely used and yet not everyone is clear about exactly what it is. The term freelance is not something new, it comes from the medieval era and it referred to those gentlemen who did not serve only a certain man, so his services could be hired by anyone.

Well, applying it to the current era is something similar, it is a person who works on their own, doing certain jobs for third parties, and they are paid for the result and not for the time that the project takes. Contingent Employment working autonomously means not having to adjust to a specific schedule, not having to adjust to a company policy or answering an annoying boss, since you are your own boss and therefore you establish your own rules. Many succeed, and that is why there are freelancers working in many areas. Of course, not all are advantages, since being a freelance involves a series of risks that you have to be willing to take. That's why, according to the journal Computer Arts Presents, there are a series of questions that one should ask before beginning to be one.

Should I establish myself as a freelancer?

This is tempting if you are an ambitious, determined, independent and organized person or that already has a certain reputation in some field. You have to analyze a series of points and know if you are sufficiently trained.

What do I earn with it?

The range of clients is enormous, ranging from small start-ups that have just started to some of the best known brands. It is a job in which the freelance has to manage everything from the project itself to stay updated with respect to their knowledge, through financial and administrative tasks and also have to dedicate time to launch and self-promote, to get customers . In addition to organise well your time and know how much you should devote to each thing. But you also have the advantage of flexibility both in the schedules and in being able to select the jobs that you like and reject those that do not. Also, not having a fixed salary means that you have no limits when it comes to making money and that you can expand to new areas without having to change jobs
Freelance work

Freelance work
