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THX PIZZA - World Class Urban Paper Art Sculptures


For the group show THX PIZZA at PunktKommaStrich gallery in Düsseldorf in May 2017 I created some brand new character design paper art sculptures: Buddy, the pizza skater and Angel - the sexy cute pizza angel.

For this project I went all out in terms of paper engineering techniques and material manipulation and after weeks and weeks of tests the results are 2 awesome paper art toy sculptures that work both as installations AND as illustrations and animations. 

Check out the finished illustrations and animations as well as close-ups and making of images, GIFs and videos as well as photos from the show below!

Character design, paper engineering, photos, animation, sound design: Ollanski

Attention: this animation and parts of the illustration are anaglyphs and can be watched with anaglyphic glasses for a 3D effect!

THX PIZZA - The Show 

At the group show I showed a paper craft illustration which was sold and the sculpture (which was not for sale).

At >> PunktKommaStrich << gallery in Düsseldorf. 
The show was organized by @elfriede_s  @mnullfunfk and @morphoria_design 

About 50 different artists from all over the world showed works about pizza.
Check out more art works and photos with the hashtag #thxpizza ⠀

THE CRAFTS - Close up

These images show close-ups of the Sexy Cute Pizza Angel. The images are not photoshopped so what you see is what you get: next level paper engineering skillz!

Parts are glued together with amazingly accurate and invisible-when-hardened Japanese paper glue and the legs are covered with Mod Podge Glitter Glue. 

THE CRAFTS - Work In Progress

Since this was an open project without a brief other than the topic of PIZZA I wanted to take the opportunity and experiment a bit with paper engineering techniques and materials.
So I constructed the body, the wings and many details such as the glasses or the skateboard "classically" with normal paper. 

But I also tested - successfully - a new technique I had thought of a few months ago:
Step 1) I sculpted the body parts and shoes of the pizza characters out of self-hardening paper clay and polymere clay..
Step 2) I then made silicone molds out of these body parts. 
Step 3) I fitted tiny bits of Japanese paper into the cured molds and coated them with a secret glue mixture I found to be working VERY well with what I had in mind: a glue that does not soak through, discolor, contract or warble the super thin paper surface! (Took me weeks to figure out... just saying.)
Step 4) After drying I took the halves for the legs and arms out of the molds and assembled them super carefully and covered the seams with the paper.

Now THIS is some serious paper engineering right there! :)

In the end everything was assembled and airbrushed with specific inks that would not bleed through the paper and/or be-glittered. 

THE CRAFTS - Making of and more

More of the views of the sculptures (photos and videos) and test images/animatin of the illustrations.

Some of the following images are animated GIFs so click on them! 
THX PIZZA - World Class Urban Paper Art Sculptures

THX PIZZA - World Class Urban Paper Art Sculptures

THX PIZZA: For the group show THX PIZZA at PunktKommaStrich gallery in Düsseldorf in May 2017 I created some brand new character design paper art Read More
