Naomi Weatherford's profile

Personal Typography Business Card

Personal Typography Business Card
Business Card for Naomi Bastian Design, Typography, ART 230
For this project for my Typography class at BYU-Idaho, we were assigned to design a personal business card using typography in both a functional and decorative way. We were asked to use the letters of our names as creative design elements, and were limited to using typographic elements.
We were limited to using a font set from, with thirteen fonts specifically chosen for the class. I used Trade Gothic Next LT Pro in varying font weights and sizes, Pantone Solid Uncoated spot colors, and Adobe Illustrator to create these cards.
The back of my business card is simplistic but eye-catching, and recalls the styles used in my resume and personal website. This business card was my first venture into printing my own cards, and I look forward to being able to hand these out!
Let me know what you think of my project, and be sure to check out my other projects, either on Behance or on my portfolio website!
I found the Photoshop business card mockup used for my personal business card at Graphic Burger
Personal Typography Business Card

Personal Typography Business Card

For this project for my Typography class at BYU-Idaho, we were assigned to design a personal business card using typography in both a functional Read More
