This is character design where I have designed the following characters :
WOBBLY THE BABY TURTLE : Wobbly is a new born baby turtle who is a bit lazy and is always sleepy. He is the main character of my Story Intro to Life for which I have provided the Storyboard. It is his journey of how after coming out of his egg he travels to the ocean.

APONI THE TRIBAL GIRL : Aponi is a tribal girl from the tribes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. She wants to learn and explore the world as she is always curious and wants to know about the stars, the world and therefore when education comes to their Islands, she wants to get educated, but her father and other members of the tribe refuse saying that they do not require it. Aponi being very courageous, smart and bold decides that she will bring education to her village and encourage everyone to get educated.
Character Design

Character Design

Character Design of a Human and an Animal


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