I found you somewhere deep within a dream, a rainbow glowing knowledge holding every thought inside a running stream. Your colors mesmerized me close to drowning all i was inside your memory, your knowing captured all i ever wanted comprehend of being. I held you in my sacred palms a moment careful, lifted you to drink. I fell up and away and wept into you my own tears cried, remember me. I lost you somewhere deep within a dream. 
This is an older piece, titled “Pool of Wisdom” It is a larger piece, 24”x24”, done in a satin finish acrylic on a heavy duty thicker profile stretched canvas. This one, because it is a bit older, has only a few smaller paint drips running down the sides. I absolutely love to do paintings that have almost a full gamut of colors, the rainbow range ones are always mind blowing to me, and this one has a widely varied colorway. It is one of my favorite purely abstract pieces, there is so much happening inside the movements of shapes, forms and colors, your mind will start to see things happening on small and large levels, all interacting, if you let your eyes and mind rest and wonder round a bit, and explore the sightscapes. 
Pool Of Wisdom

Pool Of Wisdom

An abstract colorful painting, full of rainbowed swirling colors, 24" square canvas, lovely to the eye and beautiful to drink! A pool of pure wis Read More
