This is an illustration series that I created for the protest started on 18 March, 2014 ( I was sadly not there but in London for the bloody interview of the RCA. It was funny that while I was reading these news, singers at the Covent Garden was coincidentally singing “Do You Hear The People Sing”. Click pictures to see some notes I wrote for the images (translated by Underon).
A thunder strikes suddenly, as if a flame dropping into a bank of hydrogen, and then triggers gigantic reactions! (Then, I start getting mad, painting and mumbling….)
~Day 1~
But the chief penalty is to be governed by someone worse if a man will not himself hold office and rule. 
─ Plato: The Republic, Book 1, section 347c
~Day 2~
I finally landed and stuck on the cold, wet beach. Two beams of my desperate eyesights can’t never pierce through those heavy cloud, and I couldn’t see the light of dawn.
When I look back to the past, I’ve never been on the top of the waves, but only a flash that hit by the breaking waves of information.
Yet, information is nothing but information; it could never be the truth that can makes me believe in forever.
~Day 3~
If I were a sunflower,
I must be expecting the day I can directly see the sunlight very much.
To achieve that, I’m willing to let the barbed wires pierce through my throat, let it lifts up my feeble body.
let me shout out “freedom” once more, in this seemly endless dark night.
~Day 4~
Though I having been thinking about it for an entire day, I still don’t know what to say…. At the end, what I want to say is: “Thank you, Mr. Nan Rong Zheng and your perseverant family.”

* Nan Rong Zheng (1947-1989) is a Taiwanese publisher and pro-democracy activist. He committed suicide by self-immolation in support of freedom of speech on April 7, 1989.
~Day 5~
Gosh! Does the day breaks or not? But just at that flash moment, I found that I am surrounded by demons and monsters!
~It's Not the End~
Originally, I thought I am a rootless person. But in fact, I still secretly hope that, when the day I feel tired and want to go home, there will be a piece of land with soul for me to come back to. 



This is an illustration series that I created for the protest started on 18 March, 2014 ( I was sadly not there but in London for Read More


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