Kenneth Shinabery's profile

Girls of Summer No.2 - Rock Goddess

Girls of Summer No.2 - Rock Goddess
For the Girls of Summer series, I wanted to create a branded and stylized set of illustrations that could serve multiple purposes.  The style had to be something that followed a similar look and feel, because the idea was to create illustrations that could be used in magazines for young women or products for companies such as Mattel.
The illustrations started out on paper and were scanned into Adobe Illustrator, where with a Cintiq Companion I was able to create the line art.  Unfortunately I only had the Cintiq for a limited time, so I produced the line art for the entire series while I had access to the device. 
The line art was then transferred to Adode Photoshop where I began working on the colors.  This portion was continued on my Macbook Pro.  Originally I wanted to keep the skin tone a pure white on all the characters of this series, however... once I began to work on the illustrations I began to feel that adding a color of any type would stereotype the character.  So I decided it might be interesting to leave the skin tone the same color as the background.
The idea of having no skin tone worked out quite well when experimenting on placing the illustrations on various products.  I felt more young women could relate to a character if there was no skin tone, thus leaving the illustration to the imagination of the person viewing the piece.  Also I noticed that having the character designs on various colored t-shirts gives them an interesting effect because of this.  Lighter shirts look fun and joyful, while the darker shirts look more mysterious.
I also debated about giving the hair more depth, but decided to go with an approach that was less detailed.  This enables the graphics to easily be reproduced in various colors if need be.
I then started uploading the images to my Society6 website and placing the images on various items for sale.
My Society6 site:

Just some of the products available on my Society6 page.
If you choose to purchase items, send a picture of you with the item to me.
I will be adding images to my fan page.


Girls of Summer No.2 - Rock Goddess


Girls of Summer No.2 - Rock Goddess

Art Director Kenneth Shinabery brings to life his series Girls of Summer with the Rock Goddess. This is the type of illustration that can be foun Read More
