Holly sun Sunblock + Sunscreen (school project)

This is a school project that we need to do, and we also need to create a brand that doesn't exist,
if for any reason you want to apply this ideia into something real please let me know I will love to help you.


Art direction/design - João Pereira (https://www.behance.net/JoaoPereira1313)
Design - Gonçalo Santos (https://www.behance.net/goncalo_asantos)
Copywriter/design - André Freire (https://www.behance.net/AndreFreire1995)
Thank you, I hope you like it
Holly sun Sunblock + Sunscreen (school project)

Holly sun Sunblock + Sunscreen (school project)

Hi! This is a school project the we need to do, and we need also to create a brand that doesn't exist's, if for any reason you want to apply thi Read More
