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Beverage Label Design

For this assignment students were tasked with creating a unique bottle label as a concept brand for one of the following options: non-alcoholic spirit, alcoholic spirit, cold brew coffee or iced tea. I chose to design a label for an Iced tea product.
Artisanal product and market:
An artisanal product is one that is made in a traditional manner. It’s often referred to by alternative names such as traditional, farmhouse, natural, or heritage. The classification and consideration of artisanal products can vary across countries, regions, and industries. However, in general, an artisanal product typically meets one or more of the following criteria:
Small-Scale Production: Artisanal products are produced on a small scale or in small batches, as opposed to mass-produced or industrial-scale goods.
Traditional Methods: They are made using traditional methods and tools, often crafted by hand rather than through industrial processes.
Time-Honoured Recipes: Artisanal products adhere to traditional recipes that may have been around for hundreds of years, avoiding modern ingredients like preservatives, colorants, sweeteners, and other chemicals.
Local Origin: They are locally made, not imported from another country (although this depends on where the distributor or shop is based).
 Products are made out of love and value for the process and the end result. These products are often perceived to have higher quality than mass-produced alternatives due to the care and attention put into their creation.
Artisanal-labelled products can be found in various marketplaces and shops of true artisans, reflecting a genuine connection between the term and the product. On the other hand, artisanal-labelled commodities can also be found on global chains’ products, reflecting a disconnect between the term and the manufactured goods.

Niche product and market:
Niche products are those that target, or are relevant to, a small but specific target audience. Popular with e-commerce entrepreneurs, they allow sellers to tap into a smaller market, yet often more lucrative, than that of a general product. This niche market arises from the existence of a group that is part of a larger one, but that has different wants and needs. Niche products are easier to understand through the evaluation of existing businesses that have nailed their sourcing and marketing strategies.
A niche market is a very specific segment of consumers who share characteristics and, because of those characteristics, are likely to buy a particular product or service. As a result, niche markets comprise small, highly specific groups within a broader target market you may be trying to reach.
Conscious consumers
Health and wellness
Pet owners
The LGBTQ+ community
Remote workers
New market:
A new market is created if your product enables a large number of customers to do something they were unable to do before you came along. In a new market, customers and their preferences are unknown and direct competitors are non-existent. In the absence of competition, product features take on less importance; identifying customers and making them believe in your vision are the name of the game. This is more time-consuming than if you were in an existing market, which puts extra emphasis on managing cash flow.
When working in a leadership position or business development role, it's important that you understand the different ways you can support the continued growth and success of your company. Expanding into new markets helps businesses adapt to changing consumer needs and industry trends. Understanding how to expand a business into a new market allows you to enhance your employability and contribute to beneficial changes at your company.

Possible target market: Iced tea

health-conscious individuals
consumers seeking refreshing alternatives to carbonated drinks
consumers across different age groups who appreciate the taste and health benefits of iced tea. 

Possible personas

Health conscious:
Someone deeply invested in their health and wellness journey. This person prioritizes organic and natural ingredients, seeking out the highest quality teas and fresh, antioxidant-rich additions like lemon or mint to enhance both flavour and health benefits.

Consumer seeking refreshing alternatives to carbonated drinks:
This person values the refreshing qualities of iced tea over the fizz and sugar rush of carbonated drinks. They're likely to have a discerning palate, exploring different tea varieties and experimenting with unique flavour combinations to create their perfect chilled concoction. This person might prioritize health and wellness, opting for unsweetened or lightly sweetened iced teas to quench their thirst without the added calories and artificial ingredients found in many sodas.
Beverage Label Design

Beverage Label Design
