Senoo Design's profile

Practice: Different Themes For One Space

Practice : Different Themes For One Space
Well, the objectives of this practice are to see the ability to come up with a variety of versions for the same spot with the same concept. The task was given by the instructor to explore how we imagine a certain space with different themes. Being creative about your chosen theme is crucial to stand out among the elite participants in this assignment.

Well the technical aspects of modeling and material creation posed their own hurdles, the true test of creativity arose in selecting themes that seamlessly aligned with my objectives.
Blending the Pharaonic and Bohemian styles demanded a delicate balance, requiring meticulous detailing and contemporary touch to ensure cohesion.
Integrating wedding and Christmas themes was equally daunting, necessitating innovative solutions to merge disparate elements into designs exuding sophistication and charm. 
Throughout the project, I confronted numerous challenges that tested my creativity and problem-solving skills. 

By embracing the iterative process and remaining open to new ideas, I overcame obstacles and achieved my vision with confidence. This project has been a journey of exploration and discovery, reminding me of the boundless potential of creativity.

Moving forward, I am inspired to continue pushing the boundaries of design, seeking new challenges, and refining my craft with each endeavor.

Thank you for joining me on this creative journey, and I invite you to explore the fruits of my labor with an open mind and a discerning eye. 
Design & Visualization: Senoo

Instagram: seno0o07

Practice: Different Themes For One Space


Practice: Different Themes For One Space
