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AQA 000-005. Typeface Family


AQA. 000 - 005 
At the heart of AQA lies the serpent, a revered symbol in countless pre-Columbian cultures of Latin America. 

The very name of the typeface family, AQA, evokes three emblematic serpent deities of the region: Amaru, Quetzalcoatl, and Anaconda. Each letter in this typeface collection pays homage to the majesty and symbolic significance of this enigmatic reptile, whose legacy extends from the ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica, through the Andes, to the deepest corners of the Amazon jungle. 

Cultural Inspiration as the Foundation of the Module System 

Built upon a precisely designed module system, each letter of AQA captures the essence of the serpent in its various cultural representations. From the sinuous curves of the Feathered Serpent to the imposing presence of the Anaconda, these Display fonts stand out for their intricate design and their ability to convey a sense of mystery and connection with nature. Every stroke and curve reflects the depth and symbolism associated with the serpent in different Latin American cultures. 

AQA is primarily designed for use in flexible visual identities, branding projects, and as a skeleton in artificial intelligence to give them the desired visual aspect. Its unique character and ability to evoke an organic energy make it the perfect choice for brands looking to stand out and convey an authentic, memorable, and dynamic narrative. With a total of 36 styles, of which 6 are currently available (AQA000 - AQA005), AQA offers a wide range of options for experimentation, allowing designers to create striking visual identities that captivate their audience. 

With AQA, I invite you to explore a universe of creative possibilities where the past intertwines with the present to give life to a new typographic expression. Discover the magic of AQA and be inspired by the ancestral legends that have shaped the cultural identity of Latin America. Try it out online at the following link on my website AQA. If you are interested in purchasing a license, sizes are adjusted according to the client's needs and the scope of the project.

AQA 000 - AQA 005 is available here.

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AQA 000-005. Typeface Family

AQA 000-005. Typeface Family

AQA, a Display font system, intricately captures the serpent's essence across diverse cultural representations, from the sinuous Feathered Serpen Read More
