hello neighbor
2022, artist's book, laser print on acetate paper
Hello Neighbor is a seven-chapter art book that depicts "me" spying on a neighbor across the street. The book emulates the storytelling techniques of frame-by-frame animation, with each page within a chapter serving as a frame and the relationship between frames conveying continuity of action. Transparent paper adds spatial depth to the narrative, as images on each page combine with those on following pages to create larger compositions. Each turn of the page reveals the image's crucial significance within the story, creating new scenes.
Hello Neighbor 是一本由七个章节组成的艺术书,讲述了“我”对于对面邻居的一次“偷窥”。这本书借鉴了帧动画的叙述方式,每一章节中的每一页可以被视为一个帧,动作的关联被转化为前后帧的关联。在透明纸张上印刷赋予了这种叙事更多的空间性,每一页的图像与其后面几页共同组成一个画面,而每一次的翻页揭示了这个图像在整个叙事中不可或缺的意义,新的画面随之诞生。
hello neighbor

Project Made For

hello neighbor
