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Candle, Flower, Insect Symbolism - 8

Carrying on with my symbolism research, sticking with still life, I moved onto candles. I didn’t enjoy this research as much since there weren’t any complex meanings behind candles, only that they signify the passing of time, truth and knowledge. Perhaps my research wasn’t thorough enough. 
Despite not really enjoying the research I still enjoyed the still life object drawing I did of the candles. I used a range of media such as pencil, black biro, alcohol markers and Procreate to create a variety of different moods. My favourites are the black biro as the drawings look moody and harsh. I also liked the tall green candle I drew digitally as it stands out amongst the rest. 
I benefited from researching flowers almost as much as I did when researching pomegranates. Discovering each flowers have their own unique meanings and that rotting flowers and falling petals can signify death and the decay of something valuable. 
As usual with each of my symbol research I went ahead and drew a bouquet of flowers in multiple media. I started off with pencil and pen but instead of using alcohol markers I used drawing inks. I was pleasantly surprised with the results and the process. The inks allowed the flowers to have an almost fairytale feel to them. 
As I had only used Procreate in the same way I had used the other media, drawing what is in front of me, I decided to put more focus and time into this bouquet drawing as at this point in my project I was wanting to use Procreate for my final piece. 
Despite taking me around ten hours in total I throughly enjoyed this process. However, if I were to go back and do it again I would simplify the majority of the flowers so it would take me less time. 
I wanted to do primary work for my insect research however I couldn’t find any insects in my garden. Also because of where I live there was nowhere nearby that held insects at their store. Although I wasn’t able to carry out any primary work I still felt like this research was a good way to finish the symbolic object research. 
At this point in my project I didn’t realise how much this one page was actually going to benefit me and the design of my final piece. 
Candle, Flower, Insect Symbolism - 8

Candle, Flower, Insect Symbolism - 8


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