Custom footwear brand MOSS is not just a product, but an expressive symbol of individuality and creativity. Its logo perfectly reflects the values and ideas of the brand. 

The letters of the MOSS logo emphasize style and modernity. Additionally, a curved element is added and the first letter is not just an accessory, it is a rebellion against banality, it is a call to create and express its uniqueness through caste and style in general. The main colors of the brand - gray and green - are not just really chosen, they carry their deep meaning

Thus, every detail in the design of the MOSS brand has its own deep meaning. It's not just shoes - it's the support of individuality, the rebellion against stereotypes and the urge to creativity and self-expression.

Gray color reflects stability, confidence and modernity. It symbolizes immutability in the choice of his style and fidelity to his own identity. Green, in turn, expresses the vitality, energy and freshness of the idea. He emphasizes the desire to go beyond the ordinary and implement new, original solutions.

My Instagram: @__a.abramova



