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Stake Studio

Stake Studio

Stake is a digital graphics design studio, centrally located in the vibrant country of India. Established on the 12th of May, 2022, the dedicated team at Stake holds a strong belief in the power of creative freedom. They understand that the most innovative and effective design solutions can only originate from an environment that encourages creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

With a commitment to excellence, Stake provides a wide array of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of their clients. They specialize in supporting small brands and influencers, recognizing the unique challenges this clientele faces in establishing a robust digital presence.

Their comprehensive range of services include the creation of engaging short videos, the development of impactful advertisements, and the design of distinctive logos. Through these services, Stake strives to assist their clients in expressing their unique brand identity and connecting with their target audience in meaningful ways.

What they want

The Stake team told us they wanted their brand to show their belief that "real design comes from creativity." They said this idea is central to their work and should be clear in their brand. They also wanted to add a touch of freshness to their brand, to subtly show energy and innovation. They stressed that their brand elements should be flexible. They wanted to be able to use them easily on different platforms and in different ways, but still look consistent.

Finally, they wanted their brand to look clean and minimalist, showing their focus on being efficient and precise.

What we did

After understanding their brand, we drew inspiration from nature and based their branding on the sky and land. The logo we created was inspired by traditional Japanese art, using the shape of a cloud and the letter "S". We used a simple design to support the logo.

Next, we created a color palette suitable for the brand, using blue for the sky and green for the land. We used different tints and shades of these colors to give the brand a clean and fresh look. We also selected a playful sans-serif font called "Nunito Sans" to keep the brand fun but not overly so.

Finally, we chose a 2D cylinder shape as our brand element and created a slogan "We create Freely" based on their core values. We then created a design system using these elements. All these elements reflect their belief that "real design comes from creativity." The branding is also related to nature.

Thanks for your time!
Creative Direction : khalid
Identity Development :
 Khalid, Lagnajit samal
Animation and Content :  lagnajit samal.
Special thanks to Ujjwal and Flix

Stake Studio