Set Designing | a Hypothetical Set for Visual Media

Project Overview:
In response to a class assignment, We completed a week-long design project based on conceptualizing and building a hypothetical set for a television show or film. This project aimed to develop and apply a variety of critical skills, including effective time management, ideation, storyboarding, scriptwriting, audience comprehension, creative problem-solving, camera operation, lighting application, editing, resource optimization, and an eye for detail.

Significant Learnings:
This project provided us with valuable insights into time management, the transformation of abstract concepts into tangible designs, the art of visual storytelling through storyboarding, crafting a brief, audience-centric design decisions, real-time problem resolution, technical understanding of camera operations,  video editing, resourceful utilization of available assets, and a commitment to precision.
Set Designing | a Hypothetical Set for Visual Media