Solena Cheese,  a true family business.  Their name comes from a combination of their daughters names Sofia and Elena.  Marc and Keila are co-owners and started the company from their love of cheese. During our conversations, I understood that Solena Cheese's colors need to stand out among other products, so I opted for a diverse palette, with tones that are in the middle between pastel and vibrant.
The visual identity has a combination of elegant and minimalist typography. The logo is written in capital letters and the rest in lowercase, so as not to convey something too corporate, after all, Solena is a Family Business, and we want this to shine through in its identity. 
In contrast to the lowercase letters of the logo, the cheeses and their denominations will be written in a different typography and in capital letters.Each cheese will have its own illustration.
The phrases "rich in family & tradition" and "artisan fresh mozzarella" were used to create an element that can be used as a stamp, decorative panel and even as an Instagram avatar, and can be applied to all colors in the palette.
Solena Cheese


Solena Cheese
