Sandra Victoria Ramirez Hernandez's profile

Human Beha­vior and the Way of Thin­king

Human Behavior and the Way of Thinking
In May 2023, Univer­sity of Applied Sciences Schwä­bisch Gmünd (HfG) hosted the Interna­tional Seminar Week. A total of 20 work­shops by lectu­rers from the HfG, but also from partner univer­si­ties, desi­gners, and spea­kers from Israel, Italy, Hungary, Estonia. 

During this week I had the opportunity to be part of the seminar "Human Behavior and the Way of Thinking" imparted by Rui Li. 

Human behavior and the way of thinking between Chinese and European people
Are there differences because of their cultures? Or almost the same behavior and thinking even with big cultural differences?
Can we define an Asian and European culture, and if so, how?

This series of illustrations aims to show the cultural differences that exist in different areas of daily life between Chinese and German society.
Sandra V. Ramirez
Vanessa Saouda
Elise Stolk
Human Beha­vior and the Way of Thin­king

Human Beha­vior and the Way of Thin­king
