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Deskhq Branding

Empowering businesses through exceptional customer support

Deskhq                            Customer Support                     Naming, Branding & Strategy                    2023

Bethany Oliver, the founder of Deskhq based in England, United Kingdom, approached us to develop the identity for her first startup. During our strategy session, we learned that Bethany's inspiration to build a digital customer service provider and product came from her single mother, who worked as a customer support representative for a television company back in the 1960s. She witnessed firsthand how her mother's support to customers improved the television company's reputation and increased sales.

Driven by her mother's example, Bethany aimed to bring this valuable customer service experience to a wider audience by empowering businesses to understand the importance of and thrive through good customer support. She observed that it often seemed like only big businesses enjoyed the benefits of excellent and seamless customer support, and she wanted to change that. Bethany's vision was to provide SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) and lone entrepreneurs with access to the same benefits and opportunities by building social app and website integrations while leveraging the power of artificial intelligence.

We worked closely with Bethany and her co-founder to define the brand's core, analyze the product market, and develop the brand's personality. The results of our collaboration were embedded in various aspects of the visual identity, which were then rolled out across their website, web app, social media platforms, and advertising touchpoints. Together, we created a cohesive and compelling brand experience that reflected the essence of Deskhq and its mission to democratize exceptional customer support for businesses of all sizes.

View demo website here

Brand Strategy

As with all of our branding projects, we initiated the process for Deskhq by conducting a brand strategy workshop. This workshop allowed us to delve into the fundamental aspects of the brand, namely the "why," the "who," and the “difference”. We discovered that Deskhq exists to empower businesses of all sizes to thrive by providing exceptional customer support and streamlining interactions, thereby enhancing the overall customer experience. By introducing innovative solutions to how businesses approach customer care, Deskhq aims to be at the forefront of delivering seamless customer support experiences for both businesses and their customers.

The brand is built upon a foundation of core values: service, growth, customer-centeredness, knowledge, and innovation. These values serve as the guiding principles that reflect Deskhq's commitment and emphasise the significance of caring for its users. Deskhq positions itself as a company that combines expert guidance and education with top-notch customer support tools to drive exceptional customer experiences and empower businesses to succeed.

Drawing inspiration from the persona of 1960s moms, we crafted a feminine, positive, caring, and fun brand personality for Deskhq. This concept extends not only to the visual representation of the brand but also to its voice and tone. The brand voice encompasses a casual and nonchalant style, which reflects the core personality of the moms from the 60s. Integrating the outcomes of our strategic efforts, we crafted the tagline "Just for you, No fuss," effectively conveying the message that Deskhq may occasionally respond nonchalantly, but their underlying commitment and care remain unwavering, just as the moms from the 60s.

Crafting a customer-centric identity

In collaboration with the executives, we coined the company's name "Deskhq" from the furniture 'Desk,' commonly associated with roles like secretary, receptionist, or customer support. We crafted an identity that reflects the outcomes of the strategy workshop, featuring a left-facing chat bubble logomark that symbolizes Deskhq's customer-centric focus, ensuring the customers feel heard and valued in every conversation. The identity also incorporates a roundededge San-serif typeface and subtle, vibrant feminine colors, reinforcing Deskhq's fun, approachable, and less-corporate persona.

Illuminating the impact of the 60s moms

Deskhq employs two photography themes with equal brightness and exposure. The first theme embraces a 60s aesthetic in the style of people and equipment. This theme accentuates the contributions of customer service representatives from the 60s, like Bethany's mom, and their tools to the success of renowned companies today. The 60s theme is exclusively used in advertising and marketing cases. The second theme presents contemporary individuals, “the today’s people” in a modern and corporate fashion, exclusively utilized for showcasing educators, employees, and testimonials.The overall mood of the photographs is predominantly stern, aligning with the brand's nonchalant persona.

To further enhance the caring persona, we developed brand assets such as icons and 3D elements using glass morphism and glass textures, respectively. We also created a distinct set of icons for Synthia, Deskhq's artificial intelligence assistant.

All these elements were seamlessly integrated to create cohesive social media templates, the website, web app, and advertising materials. This ensures a consistent presence and message in the minds of their target audience.


Brand Strategy: Deji Ajetomobi

Art Direction: Deji Ajetomobi & Chisom Emeka

Brand Design: Deji Ajetomobi

3d & Motion Design: Chisom Emeka

UI Design & Iconography: Deji Ajetomobi

Webflow Dev: Deji Ajetomobi
Deskhq Branding

Deskhq Branding

Branding for Deskhq, a customer service product looking to empower businesses to thrive through customer support. We undertook brand strategy wor Read More
