SOUL Creative Agency's profile

Baldo The Saucy Pasta


The Client
We were commissioned to create a fresh fast-food brand for the hospitality sector, in the thought of leveraging the recent boom-trend of the takeaway food industry, and to be exact, regarding pasta.

Our Approach
Inspired by Italy, the country of origin of pasta, its temperament, colors, and unique ingredients that sprout around the Mediterranean (Tomatoes, oregano, etc), we came up with a simple yet playful brand identity, with Illustrations and pop colors showcasing our love for pasta and fresh flavors. We even gave a name to it - him, Baldo! He may answer to saucy pasta as well.

The Result
A blend of a contrasting color palette, bold typography, and playful yet simple illustration design. A cohesive brand identity that can be imprinted in multiple different print applications and on the spot. As the name suggests, a new “daring” brand that serves tasty pasta for everyone. Bon appetite!

Visual Branding
Brand Strategy
Brand Collaterals
Packaging and illustration

Baldo The Saucy Pasta

Baldo The Saucy Pasta
