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FNB "One Day Of Freedom"

FNB celebrates 20 years of freedom by going back to the very beginning.
27 April, 1994. The date of South Africa’s first democratic election, and unofficially, the country’s first day of true freedom. It was a day that nobody took for granted. But 20 years later, can we say the same thing? Or is tomorrow just another day to many of us? FNB wanted to help all of us remember that each new dawn in a free South Africa is a wonderful gift, by taking us back to the very first one. This commercial is the heartfelt story of an elderly grandmother who never took her freedom for granted, because she had just one day of it: 27 April, 1994. Her message to her granddaughter is to truly embrace each new day of freedom, just as she did her first and last. It was directed by Slim at Egg Films.
FNB "One Day Of Freedom"

FNB "One Day Of Freedom"

FNB celebrates 20 years of freedom by going back to the very beginning. 27 April, 1994. The date of South Africa’s first democratic election, a Read More
