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What are Oral care tips for Dental Implants?

What are Oral care tips for Dental Implants?
A dental implant is a metal (titanium) screw which is designed to position into the jawbone beneath gums. It allows placing a replacement for a missing tooth or teeth. Implant fuses into jawbone to make firm support for artificial teeth – dentures and bridges mounted on implants remain firm and feel more natural and convenient.

What are Oral care tips for Dental Implants?

An implant can last a lifetime, if it gets due care
Brushing twice a day using an interdental brush that slides between the teeth is a good habit. And if you can floss once regularly, it would be good for your implant.
Your implant is fused into jaw bone but it isn’t firm enough to support chewing frozen food and other hard items that put pressure on jawbone. It will be better, if you could avoid eating hard food with an implant.
Smoking is injurious to health and fatal for implants. The tobacco can weaken jawbone to the point where implant can fail to work. If you do smoke then please quit smoking.
Visit your dentist every six months for regular examination of your implant. The dentist would certify the implant is in good condition and working.

 For more information- 
Meet the best Dentist in Delhi-
Dr. Kartik Datta
Endodontist and Cosmetic Dentist (Founder and Owner- 
Crown and Roots Dental Clinic ) B.D.S, M.D.S, Ex-Hindu Rao 
Crown & Roots, South Extension II, New Delhi

What are Oral care tips for Dental Implants?


What are Oral care tips for Dental Implants?


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