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Photogrammetry is coming to Sampler

First tests with Substance3D Sampler Photogrammetry
I've not been this excited about anything for a while, when it comes to new creative tools and whatnot. So basically photogrammetry is coming to Sampler and I had the pleasure to play with it in the private beta. This is a felted flower my mom made. Felt is a very weird material (furry and transparent and very unique, I love it!) but it turned out so accurate on the scan that it totally blew my mind. This is going to open "doors" for creatives we didn't expect for sure. As someone who is invested so much in 3D design, I literally can't wait to see what people are going to create with this. 

Photos taken with my iphone
Photogrammetry with Substance 3D Sampler
Rendered with Substance 3D Stager
A bit more creative use of the scanned models from this set. I put a material with subsurface scattering on it and rendered it in Stager with some pearl-like balls
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Photogrammetry is coming to Sampler

Photogrammetry is coming to Sampler
