. We all know that how much important is water for us to survive  ,it is a source on which whole human race depends .There are millions of people in world facing shortage and irregular supply of water and are forced to live without intake of clean water .People are miserable as they are forced to drink the polluted water due the shortage of water.AS a result thousand of people are geeting effected by the water diseases. The dangerous fact about is that as human beings we are not doing any effort or trying to save water for convenience of ourselves in the future
Out of 71 percent water on earth 3 percent of it is drinkable. Due to our irresponsible behaviour we are heading towards severe water crisis.
As a global citizen it must be our responsibility as a whole to find appropriate ways to save water for our upcoming generations .Try to use a limited amount of water while washing clothes, taking bath or doing other home chores .cooperate with the organizations who are actively working in this regard .Try to plant more trees to make environment clean only our deeds can prevent this severe problem ,our actions need to be changed because we cannot afford to live anywhere else.



