Robyn Fear's profile

Borderlines Film Festival

Borderlines Film Festival 
Postcard Designs 
This years theme for The Borderlines film Festival is 'Chills in the Hills'. The films explore themes such as Gender identity and Female film makers, but mostly fit into the Folk/Horror Genre. 
I started my research by brain storming ideas while watching all of the film trailers. 
It was at this point I decided to stick to either a playing card or tarot card structure on my postcard. This sat nicely with the 'Chills In the Hills' theme. 
Below is my Pinterest board of inspiration: 
I was most inspired by the film trailers for 'Lamb' and 'The Feast'. I chose some of my designs from these trailers to work on to create a set of four postcards within the folk/horror theme. 

I discussed my ideas with Jo Comino, from the Borderline Film Festival team, and she was pleased with my set of four folk/horror cards. However, we discussed the idea of colours and how different palettes would work so this was something I knew I needed to decide on next. Jo also advised that I stylised some of my designs more so that they are not too similar to the film. 
(INSPIRATION - 'Holykrak' on Facebook)  
With my feedback in mind I searched for colours that I liked together and created palettes on Procreate. Green and pink is always a favourite for me. I found on Pinterest a series of tarot cards, by ‘HolyKrak’ that used  mixture of pastel and bright colours. I used these colours as inspiration for my own palette for my cards. I also changed the layout so that they suited a more tarot card structure rather than a playing card. I really struggled with getting the symbols to look effective, but then decided they looked better without. 
I also restarted some of my designs so that they were slightly more stylised. ‘The Child’ was only changed slightly, I made the head bigger and simplified the body, giving him bare legs and little hooves. I took inspiration from a children's to show, ‘Summer Camp Island’ for the animal/human body. All the characters are animals but their bodies are overly personified, yet simple. I wanted it to be clear that my character was definitely a sheep-child hybrid, not a human child dressed as a sheep. 
(INSPIRATION - 'Summer Camp Island')
Above are my completed set of 4 designs. I decided to put forward ‘The Child’ and ‘The Rabbit’ to be printed for the festival. Although these were the first two designs that I created, I do think that these were the strongest of ideas and also my personal favourites.
However, I do wish that I had incorporated the background design of "The Rabbit"  into another one of the designs (possibly 'The Lamb?') as it does feel slightly out of place as a set of 4. 

I have worked with clients before, however these have been on smaller projects, with a longer timeline scale. This gave me an insight as to what it would be like to work on a tighter schedule. I think I used my time effectively when preparing for this project as well as working on it, I didn't fall behind. However, I did find myself being shocked at how quickly the deadline came around. 
Luckily, Jo Comino was also pleased with the first draft of my designs after two of them were finished, which definitely benefited me in the time element. This is definitely something I need to bear in mind for future projects, always put time aside for any improvements I need to make. Overall, this was a really pleasant experience of working with a client and has got me looking forward to my future live briefs. 

Borderlines Film Festival

Borderlines Film Festival
