Vectored images from my earliest days of using illustrator.
It wouldn't be right of me to publish this project without crediting my friend LEEAUX with inspiring me to get into graphic and web design. Though still modest, without him, this Behance profile and the work in it would not exist.
Born August 3rd, 1991 | He, Him | Pronounced as “Leo”
Leeaux is a full-time artist, brand developer, and entrepreneur. Originally from Louisiana, Leeaux is a permanent resident of Las Vegas. As a pure advocate for the advancement of arts, Leeaux uses his cumulative decade plus years of experience in curating art exhibitions & artist showcases to continually enrich the creative community around him, wherever he goes.
Since 2014 Leeaux has made his way strictly through selling artwork and art related activities. Putting pen to paper has quite literally built him from the ground up. Creativity has been bread and butter for many years and there are no plans to changing career paths.
Atop of designing clothing, Leeaux develops websites and continuously collaborates with a growing number of art collectives inner-city, regionally, and nationally.
“My art style is a mixture of folklore, occult literature, various religions, Eastern cultures, adding subtle Western societal observations. I often combine philosophies i’ve picked up over time and translate them into my work. My favorite medium is pen but I’m well versed in using many others. I love to create.”

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First Vectors


First Vectors
