There is a certain kind of light that radiates and feels familiar when you meet someone for the first time. A sense of change and growth that fills the air.

After years of following and supporting the beautiful work of Lauren Withrow, I was graced with the chance to finally meet her. It felt like meeting with an old friend and time had just flown past us. There is an energy of resilience that breathes through Lauren and the work that she creates that I’ve always admired. A lot of familiarity in the feelings and colors she photographs is something I’ve always found myself tied to.

Looking back at this short set, it dawned on me that it has marked itself to be one of my only sets that fall on the spectrum of the lighter palette than I normally grade in. Having working strictly in a darker setting, brought me back to the earlier palettes I played with when I first started dabbling into cinematic portraiture.

Having spent time with Lauren and her boyfriend Alex, it was evident that the joy and light they both exude from one another was carried through these images - tying it back to a lighter set.

Thank you Lauren for your presence, your trust, your patience, and openness in allowing me to photograph you and capturing the warmth of your growth.

© MX 2021


