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Leadership-An Action, Not Position

Leadership-An Action, Not Position
Leadership, a quality rarely found in its true sense now-a-days. By leadership, we generally mean, the ability of someone which enables others to follow a path and work towards a common goal. This quality could be developed with the passage of time but some are born with it. By born, here, we mean that some get the ideal environment needed to be a great leader. They are raised in such a way to motivate others and help the ones in need.

Leadership is not confined to a single individual or a person. It may refer to a company, a group of people, an industrial unit or an organization. Let us suppose a few teams competing in some random competition. It’s obvious that one of them will be the winner but at some group stage we will say like, “Team A is leading right now”. What does this statement indicates? Here, by leading, we mean that team A has got some extraordinary skills that have enabled it to grab the top spot and other teams obviously lack these skills.
Leaders are the first ones to put head in the unseen. They are the first ones, ready to face any kind of circumstances and have will power to make a decision on which fate of their team will depend. So, we can say that being a leader is not just about the throne but about a heavy responsibility on shoulders. They develop a sense of optimism in their organization which enables others to gain self-confidence and search for their unexplored skills. Leaders never talk meaninglessly, instead they observe and observe and observe. Having strong observation skills, a leader foresees the future and predicts all the possible outcomes. He then chooses the most suitable way for his team keeping in view, the individual characteristics of team members.
As far as qualities of a leader are concerned, communication is the key along with mutual respect for others and courage of being prepared for any kind of outcome. They are not shy of accepting their mistakes in front of everyone. Apologizing publicly, gives them courage to face their failure. They are visionary which enables them to set a goal and work for achieving it. They are passionate about winning, and if their enthusiasm and struggle is headed in the right direction, they definitely accomplish the task. If they don’t succeed, they learn but they never lose. They are always geared up to try new things and finding new ways. People follow leaders because they love to do so. They have a strong bond with that one particular person, they react favorably and react the way leaders want them to.
Summing up the discussion, I will conclude that leaders spark a fire of victory in each and every individual of organization, which then enables them to work for a group accomplishment.

Leadership-An Action, Not Position


Leadership-An Action, Not Position


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