objective: Using a animal or plant as a subject, my goal was to abstract the subject and create a drawing with the contour lines. After the drawing was done, it was then refined into a what it is now as a logo. Then we selected a word used to describe our logo and then created different patterns with the logos, as well as used textures that corresponded with our word/logo. Finally, we then created different mockups to show our logos in use. To see the full process, follow this link.
process: Here shows the process from the original image used to a draft mockup. I chose the husky because my friend who recently passed, loved huskies (as well as I do) and I decided a puppy because we used to call her puppy. Whenever we would go out together she would always get lost randomly like a lost puppy. This, in a way, was a project to remember her by.

mockups: These are my final mockups with a quirky pattern I created on the first three.
5. abstraction

5. abstraction
