Alex Romen's profile

"It's All Greek to Me"

Big Z holds great pride and tries to display a strong front, but often comes off as incompetent. He's a man-child who typically acts on impulse, often resulting in bursts of anger and unnecessary violence. Maybe some bastard children too...
The wife of Zeus, though nobody knows why due to all of Zeus' shenanigans. Hera is petty, jealous and vindictive. She tends to feel threatened by any woman, goddess or mortal and is quick to be defensive even when she doesn't need to be. 
Poseidon desperately seeks to be a valued member of the group, but is really just over-bearing, immature and never taken seriously. While generally optimistic, he's often cast aside and berated by those around him, specifically by Athena.
Ares is that quiet instigator who acts like he's trying to help a situation, when he's really just stirring up some mess! He takes joy in seeing other people bicker and thrives in the drama, despite him trying to portray innocence.
Hermes is a quick-witted, fast-acting messenger boy. He's a flirt, but his young appearance and slightly immature personality does not bode well with those he hopes to court. Hermes is also a bit of a con-artist and prankster. His crazy antics often amuse Zeus.
Perhaps, the only level-headed, responsible and mature person of the bunch, Athena is basically everyone's baby-sitter, much to her dismay. She tends to keep everyone in line as best she can (even if she must use force) and acts as the voice of reason... her stress levels must be through the roof.
The twin brother of Artemis. Regarded as "Mr. Perfect" by many, Apollo is the cool guy that's pretty much talented at everything. Everyone seems to adore him, especially when it comes to romantic endeavors. However, he is humble, which is strange for a God.
The twin sister of Apollo. Artemis is a tom-boy and can be rather abrasive. She's upbeat, wild, athletic and all about of fun! She loves animals and is ridiculously strong; so much that she forgets her own strength and frequently hurts others, unintentionally. 
If "not-giving-a-damn" was a person, it would be Aphrodite. She is vain, haughty, judgmental and incredibly blunt. She cares little about whatever goes on around her unless it's actually about her. Aphrodite has no qualms about speaking her mind, and while she doesn't actively try to be rude, she does it oh-so flawlessly...
Hephaestus is the go-to guy whenever someone needs a favor, because he will do it, no matter what. He hates himself for it, but he's a people pleaser. He can be unruly, at times, but he means well. He loves to fix problems, which tend to get him into problems. He frequently courts Aphrodite to no avail...
Hades is the most greedy, dramatic and sadistic person you'll probably ever meet. He looks out for himself, everything and everyone else be damned, unless they are an asset to him. He strong on theatrics, often considered to be "extra." Most people obviously don't care for him. Even his wife, Persephone. One thing he craves, however, is interaction with living souls. 
Persephone is stuck in a marriage she never wanted with a guy she's always hated. She is very sarcastic, lacks any heightened-emotions and is almost never seen smiling. 
Cynical and generally moody, Medusa is the butt of many jokes, usually by Aphrodite. She considers herself a "struggling artist" and takes great pride in the "statues" she creates. 
Circe can't keep a man to save her life... Almost all the animals in the world are actually her ex-boyfriends. She's very sensitive about her relationship troubles and will use her magics in retaliation whenever she feels necessary.
"It's All Greek to Me"

"It's All Greek to Me"
