SLIDE, is a wall lamp designed to offer versatility in terms of ilumination. 
It’s composed by two concentric cyilinders, one of them is fixed and the other one can be moved by a guide system. This mechanism is at one side of the lamp and offers 4 different positions and in consecuense different lighting enviroment for a variety of situations. 
Presents a bold geometry composed by cylindric shapes and diagonal cuts, that they contribute dinamism and accentuate the visual tension of the product. 
In adition, the colour range helps to emphasize the visual perception of geometry details and the contrast between the cylinders directions.

In terms of dimensions, this are optimal and reduced in a certain way to be able to use in mutiple enviroments without being to big or two small. It’s a medium dimension that offers versatility. 

Antoher characteristic to point, is the materials and superficial finishes with would be produced.
I have choosen aluminium for two reasons:
In one hand, it has a good thermical behaviour because applying heat the dimensions don’t change in certain way that could difficult the functionality of the mechanism. So this means that the simple mechanism would be always in function with and without applying heat. 

In other hand, aluminium don’t need any protection to stop corrosion because the corrosion it self has the same colour and properties. Therefore, we can apply directly the anodized finish with the colour that we want without any other industrial proces. With this system the lamp never will lose the colour.  

Finally another point to highlight, is that the dimensions, helps to maintain a certain temperature of the lamp without increasing to much to avoid hurt someone who touch it.
Slide · Wall lamp


Slide · Wall lamp
